
In the lifetime of FISHY, the consortium has put much focus on exploring intersecting ideas through the collaboration with other European initiatives, in particular with projects of the same research and innovation nature as ours. FISHY has established very fruitful collaborations and liaisons during these 3 years of project. The collaborations have basically been of three types: workshops co-organization, participation in workshops organized by other EU projects, and also specific collaborations.

During the first year one of the FISHY main achievement was the second FISHY workshop co-organized with the EU projects C4IIoT[i], COLLABS[ii], and CyberSANE[iii] and in conjunction with the 16th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES 2021)[iv]. This workshop was held on August 17, 2021, and the aim of the first International Workshop on Secure and resilient smart manufacturing environments (SecRS) was to bring together researchers; practitioners, industrial stakeholders, and security professionals, to discuss challenges and opportunities in addressing the security, resilience, accountability and trustworthiness requirements of IIoT, collaborative manufacturing and industrial supply chains.

Following the idea of co-organizing workshops, during the second year of FISHY, the 1st International Workshop on Key challenges in global cybersecurity: Efforts and trends in EU (KCYEU) was organized jointly with CYRENE[v] and IoTAC[vi], co-located with the DRCN 2022 conference[vii]. The main focus of the workshop was to track current research in cybersecurity, especially in the fields of IoT and supply chain but also open to other cybersecurity research areas.

Also, during the second year of FISHY, the consortium attended different EU events:

  • Work-in-progress presented in the EuroCybersec2021 workshop[viii] organized by the EU project IoTAC: A Machine Learning IDS for Known and Unknown Anomalies, presented by Francesc Aguilo from UPC.
  • Clustering workshop, December 13, 2021 Future Proofing and Certifying Supply Chains[ix] organized by the EU projects ASSURED[x] and CYRENEV.
  • On Friday April 8, 2022, FISHY participated in the roundtable "The Need for IoT Security Standardization & Certification"[xi], with the participation of EU projects: CONCORDIA[xii], IoTACVI, CYRENEV, BIECO[xiii] and NGIoT[xiv]. Henrique Santos from University of MINHO presented “The Role of Certification to Leverage Trust level in IoT-based Supply Chains: the FISHY vision”

Beside these EU events FISHY was included in the ECSO Cybersecurity Awareness Calendar in June 2022[xv], and included in the hub and promoted in July 2022[xvi] .

Finally, during the last year of FISHY the maturity of the project and also of the liaisons have made possible collaborations of greater depth. The main achievements of this last year have been:

  • Joint infographic FISHY-CYRENE used in the Barcelona cybersecurity congress and on social media. Both projects aim to offer a solution for the cybersecurity of interconnected supply chains (see Figure 1).
  • FISHY has participated in the Cybersecurity congress. The FISHY participation in the Cybersecurity Congress was in the framework of the European Research Innovation for Cybersecurity (ERICyb) cluster composed of six other EU Projects. The seven projects participating in the exhibition were: ASSUREDX, BIECOXIII, CYRENE5, FISHY, IoTACVI, SANCUS[xvii] and SIFIS-HOME[xviii]. The cluster decided to schedule joint presentations each day at 11h and 15h. In these joint presentations with 5 min for each project, the projects demonstrated the state-of-the-art research results in various technical fields of cybersecurity, more specifically IoT security, and how they contribute to the protection of supply chains. 

Thanks to these presentations the project team managed to, on one hand, receive feedback from the other projects in the booth, discovering synergies and research collaborations; and on the other hand, getting insights from people external to the cluster of projects.

  • 4th FISHY workshop in April 2023 organized with EU-funded projects JCOP[xix], PHOENI2X[xx] and IntellIoT[xxi].
  • Conference paper “Incident Handling for Healthcare Organizations and Supply-Chains” done in collaboration with AI4HEALTHSEC[xxii], CONCORDIAXII and ASCAPE[xxiii].
  • Conference paper “A data infrastructure for heterogeneous telemetry adaptation. Application to Netflow-based cryptojacking detection” with PALANTIR[xxiv].
  • Conference paper “Security in DevSecOps: Applying Tools and Machine Learning to Verification and Monitoring Steps” with PIACERE[xxv], MEDINA[xxvi], ICOS[xxvii], SUNRISE[xxviii] and CYLCOMED[xxix].
  • Conference paper “Runtime Security Monitoring by an Interplay Between Rule Matching and Deep Learning-Based Anomaly Detection on Logs” with PIACEREXXIII and MEDINAXXIV.

In total, the number of joint activities during the 3 years of project have been 10, sumarized in Table below, and the outcomes of these so far are at least 5 papers (1 journal and 4 conference papers) have been published with acknowledgment to more than one EU-funded projects.





























