Security represents one of the crucial concerns when it comes to De- vOps methodology-empowered software development and service delivery process. Considering the adoption of Infrastructure as Code (IaC), even minor flaws could potentially cause fatal consequences, especially in sensitive domains such as healthcare and maritime applications. However, most of the existing solutions tackle either Static Application Security Testing (SAST) or run-time behavior analysis distinctly. In this paper, we propose a) IaC Scan Runner, an open-source solution developed in Python for inspecting a variety of state-of-the-art IaC languages in application design time and b) the run time anomaly detection tool called LOMOS. Both tools work in synergy and provide a valuable contribution to a DevSecOps tool set. The proposed approach is demonstrated and their results will be demonstrated on various case studies showcasing the capabilities of static analysis tool IaC Scan Runner combined with LOMOS – log analysis artificial intelligence-enabled framework.

Cankar, M., Petrovic, N., Pita Costa, J., Cernivec, A., Antic, J., Martincic, T., & Stepec, D. (2023, April). Security in DevSecOps: Applying Tools and Machine Learning to Verification and Monitoring Steps.
In Companion of the 2023 ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering (pp. 201-205).